Rewards | Jordon | NStyle Beauty Lounge
  • Rewards

    Thank you for your loyalty to NStyle!


Welcome to NStyle Rewards Program

Receive unparalleled rewards by registering for NStyle Internationals loyalty program and earn points as you spend in store that you can redeem against your favorite services and retail purchases. We at NStyle firmly believe in recognizing and rewarding our most loyal customers. NStyle Rewards allows us to show our appreciation of your patronage to our stores and reward you each time you visit us. The card permits you to accrue points that can be used for free services or product purchases of your choice. The Loyalty program is designed in such a way where as a customer you can collect points on your card after each purchase and become eligible for free services of your choice once the minimum points have been accumulated.

What are the benefits?

Members earn 1 point for every AED10 spent at NStyle Beauty Lounge which they can then redeem against their favorite services or retail products once the minimum points are accumulated. Loyalty members also get an array of additional benefits that include earning double points on certain occasions and offers.

How to become a member?

Simply sign up at any of our stores or fill the form below. Alternatively you could also fill up the form via our mobile application.

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Bonus points for registering online or via
mobile application?

Yes! On submitting your application online, you will receive 50 reward points debited into your account once it is activated. Similarly you can earn 100 points by registering via our mobile application.


"The Hydrafacial at NStyle leaves you with the most glossy skin."
"A famous brand of beauty synonymous with distinctive service and exceptional service."
Marie Claire Arabia
"Experts in the area of lashes and our go-to for A to Z beauty needs."
Harpers Bazaar Arabia
"One of our go-to destinations for all things beauty and pampering."
"The best non-invasive treatments from head-to-toe for full body satisfaction."
Emirates Woman
"The perfect mommy and daugther destination for all things beauty."
Caroline Stanbury (Fashion Stylist & Influencer).
"The perfect spot for a pick me up, especially an unwinding back massage."
Hello Middle East
"With over 15 years in the business, NStyle has firmly secured its position as one of the best beauty destinations in the region."
Savor Flair
"NStyle ensures you are prepped and primped for every event.. The perfect hair experience."
Grazia Middle Easts


  • Forbes
  • Arabian Business Women
  • Voted Superbrand
  • Wills Achivement
  • Gulf Capital
  • Dubai Chamber CSR
  • What’s On Awards
  • Viva
  • Best Business of 2021
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